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Originally Posted on October 12, 2016

It's getting clear, the great majority of us need to be sent back to Kindergarten to learn how to communicate, get along, right? This article in Monday's New York times shines a light on Kelly Hayoe's ground breaking work in : http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/science/katharine-hayhoe-climate-change-science.html Spoiler alert, she's a really nice person. Kelly, Canadian born, lives and works in West Texas, is a climate scientist at Texas Tech. "When she started her work spreading the word about climate change in Texas, very few people in the Lone Star State believed it was happening, and even fewer believed that people were causing it." Sailing into the wind, she had to learn to tack, and tack she did. Person to person, with small groups, even with her then skeptical husband - she honed her craft, forged her way. From the Times article: "She has emerged as one of the nation’s most effective communicators on the threat of climate change and the need for action." " 'Katharine Hayhoe is a national treasure,' said Anthony Leiserowitz, the director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. He said that she combined powerful communications skills, world-class scientific credentials and an ability to relate to conservative religious communities that can be skeptical about the risks of a changing climate." To get a feel for Professor Hayhoe's approach check out the Global Wierding YouTube Channel: globalweirdingseries.com Effective communication, clearly a key. The full article:


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