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Did I Miss Something? Is Racism Over?
Everywhere I turn, a new movement is underfoot.  Having declared victory over the evils of discrimination and hatred, institutions around the country are moving on from their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, known more commonly as the apparently pejorative term of “DEI.”  For some reason, I had not realized that are long national nightmare of systemic oppression and derisively othering various groups had come to an end. But I sure am glad to learn the news!We did it! Right?!  After four centuries of chattel slavery, Jim Crow, and de facto wide-spread discrimination, America’s “Negro Problem” is finally solved.   We accommodate our disabled friends fully in all aspects of our common
A Proposal: The Democracy and Human Rights Amendments to the Constitution
The last two weeks a radical right wing Supreme Court radically transformed American life in all the wrong ways across a broad array of issues: women's rights, environmental regulations, gun safety, immigrant rights, indigenous rights, housing, public health, and protecting people from police violence. The conservative majority made decisions to take away fundamental rights and in other cases the Court stripped away legislation and regulation that the overwhelming majority of Americans desire and demand. The Supreme Court fed every right wing ideological bent undermining their own legitimacy and with it, the foundations of our democratic republic. Our democracy does not consistently represen
"The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman day comes we ask ourselves,where can we find light in this never-ending shade?The loss we carry,a sea we must wadeWe've braved the belly of the beastWe've learned that quiet isn't always peaceAnd the norms and notionsof what just isIsn’t always just-iceAnd yet the dawn is oursbefore we knew itSomehow we do itSomehow we've weathered and witnesseda nation that isn’t brokenbut simply unfinishedWe the successors of a country and a timeWhere a skinny Black girldescended from slaves and raised by a single mothercan dream of becoming presidentonly to find herself reciting for oneAnd yes we are far from polishedfar from pristinebut that doesn’t mean we arestriving to
Latest Posts
Did I Miss Something? Is Racism Over?
Everywhere I turn, a new movement is underfoot.  Having declared victory over the evils of discrimination and hatred, institutions around the country are moving on from their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, known more commonly as the apparently pejorative term of “DEI.”  For some reason, I had not realized that are long national nightmare of systemic oppression and derisively othering various groups had come to an end. But I sure am glad to learn the news!We did it! Right?!  After four centuries of chattel slavery, Jim Crow, and de facto wide-spread discrimination, America’s “Negro Problem” is finally solved.   We accommodate our disabled friends fully in all aspects of our common
My Deepest Gratitude to Dr. James Turner. Rest in Power Dear Teacher, Activist, and Sage of Africana
I received the news that Dr. James Turner, my professor at Cornell University, passed away. An activist and academic, his teaching, guidance, and wisdom shaped generations of students. Reading the social media posts of friends and the University, memories came to me initially in a trickle and then a downpour. Revisiting the various touch points he had on my intellectual and moral development, I gained even deeper clarity on the how much he influenced who I am today and the commitments that I have made to myself and my community about the how to live my life.In my first semester on campus, I ran for the student council and surprisingly won, setting me on a path of student politics that consum
A Proposal: The Democracy and Human Rights Amendments to the Constitution
The last two weeks a radical right wing Supreme Court radically transformed American life in all the wrong ways across a broad array of issues: women's rights, environmental regulations, gun safety, immigrant rights, indigenous rights, housing, public health, and protecting people from police violence. The conservative majority made decisions to take away fundamental rights and in other cases the Court stripped away legislation and regulation that the overwhelming majority of Americans desire and demand. The Supreme Court fed every right wing ideological bent undermining their own legitimacy and with it, the foundations of our democratic republic. Our democracy does not consistently represen
Queensguard: Defending Gender Inclusivity and Literacy in Huntington Woods
Originally Posted on January 30, 2019.  All photographs provided by: The Larson Lens, LLCPrelude:For much of December and January, Huntington Woods Library's "Drag Queen Storytime" was under attack by forces of bigotry within, and without, the local community. It began with City Commissioner Allison Iversen, whose emails about the event included the following "I have been trying to get this stopped since it started. Please do get more people involved. I am one voice and we need many people to call this out for what it is." That leak prompted a City Commission meeting where residents of Huntington Woods showed overwhelming support for the program."The results that have been achieved by Drag Q
Rainbow Warriors Drive Nazis Out of Motor City Pride
CW: Literal Nazis and what comes with it.Originally Posted on June 10, 2019Update 6/12/19: Features account and video footage of an NSM member assaulting a woman in front of multiple DPD officers.An oral history of Antifascist action in Detroit, collected and synthesized from accounts with on-site participants. Preparations, Confrontations, and Mutual AidOn April 16th Burt Colucci, alleged "Commander" of the National Socialist Movement [NSM], levied a threat against Motor City Pride, stating they would be holding an armed demonstration to intimidate and harm Detroit’s LGBTQIA community. Word of the threat spread among leftist circles, and LGBTQIA rights organizers were rapidly alerted. When
Rep. Rashida Tlaib on White Supremacy
Rep. Tlaib speaks our mind on #whitesupremacy after we have seen more #racistviolence and #police making #excuses for #white #murderers in ways that they would never talk about #blackandbrown suspects.  Indeed, they would not likely be taken #alive.  #fuckwhitesupremacy #racialjustice #rashidatlaib #racism
Congratulations Deb Haaland, First Native American Cabinet Secretary
Deb Haaland of the Laguna Pueblo was confirmed as the firstr #nativeamerican #cabinet #secretary as Secretary of the Interior.
Stop Asian American Hate!
The rise of hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders is appalling and we all must be in action whether through #bystanderintervention, #reporting, and/or #advocating for civil protections.  #racialjustice #asianamerican #stophate #stopracism #stopaapihate #stopasianhate
Fight for $15 Minimum Wage
Let the Biden administration know that they have to keep fighting for $15 Minimum Wage Increase.#fightfor15 #economicjustice #fairwages #inequality #biden
Black History Month - Mary McLeod Bethune
"The drums of Africa still beat in my heart. They will not let me rest while there is a single Negro boy or girl without a chance to prove his worth."#marymcleodbethune#racialjustice #feminism #genderequality #civilrights #knowyourhistory #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth
Convict and Disqualify
#Trump #incited an #insurrection.  #convict and #disqualify from ever holding #federal office again. If we don't, he could do it again or the next would-be #autocrat certainly will.
Sexually Liberated Women Intimidate Insecure Men
Originally Posted on March 20, 2019In this society, women are expected to live up to a man’s standards of what a “real” woman is. As time goes on many women are defying these sexist standards. You would think that in 2019 people wouldn’t be so bothered by multifaceted women, but this is still an issue. Insecure and sexist men do not like to see women who are confident in themselves. They get their self esteem from being able to control the way women live. It’s the same way for women with internalized misogyny. They have been conditioned to think that their lives revolve around men. It bothers them to see that there are women who refuse to live that way.I noticed that the more popular Megan T
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