Everywhere I turn, a new movement is underfoot. Having declared victory over the evils of discrimination and hatred, institutions around the country are moving on from their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, known more commonly as the apparently pejorative term of “DEI.” For some reason, I had not realized that are long national nightmare of systemic oppression and derisively othering various groups had come to an end. But I sure am glad to learn the news!
We did it! Right?! After four centuries of chattel slavery, Jim Crow, and de facto wide-spread discrimination, America’s “Negro Problem” is finally solved. We accommodate our disabled friends fully in all aspects of our common life. Antisemitism, Islamophobia and other forms of religious discrimination have been transformed as we are now the religiously pluralistic society envisioned in the first Amendment. We have realized the great melting pot and are now a nation that welcomes immigrants, no matter their origin. Women have realized equal pay for equal work, their bodily sovereignty is protected, and they no longer face the incredible risk of sexual violence that they used to. Trans folks are fully accepted without fear for their lives and our gay friends feel welcome no matter where they go. Poverty? Economic class is a thing of the past and no kid goes hungry at night. Police violence targeting minorities? No longer.
Congrats America! We did it! I mean it must be true. If happy, diversity commercials-laden Target is out on DEI, then we definitely solved it. Universities deeply committed to DEI work have brought their programs to an end, so we must have reached equitable outcomes in education. Medical schools find themselves dropping DEI, so health care equity must be the case as well. So proud of us for having finally conquered the multitude of issues that DEI covers.
And to think, we did all of this less than 5 years after the murder of George Floyd, which created yet another racial reckoning in America. At the time, almost every institution released a statement recommitting to inclusion and equity. Many even forged new DEI programs or re-examined existing diversity work to determine if they were actually addressing the issues, as opposed to providing some window dressing. Sure, some organizations were merely virtue signaling, but most American institutions were truly committed to healing a nation and ensuring that we finally fulfill the promises stated in the Declaration and committed to in the Constitution. After all that hard DEI work, we are declaring victory! No need to even acknowledge equity and diversity in our language any more! Right!?
I honestly missed the memo about racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. being over. But what do I know? I’m a privileged straight, middle class white guy. I just figured I would have heard more about how we were able to conquer all this evil in such a short period of time. Such a momentous development certainly deserves more celebration than quietly shuttering any program that may have helped bring about these changes. I’m sure the communities that have suffered so much discrimination and hatred over the years would be hosting parties and finally feeling comfortable in this country.
I’ll tell you, Dr. King would be so proud. We finally, at long last, realized his dream. No longer is the equality check coming back marked insufficient funds. Nope. Check cashed. Our ancestors who fought for justice, risking and too often losing their lives, must be so proud of us today, dismantling our DEI work so suddenly. Our collective courage met the moment. Such valiancy should serve us well against future challenges like autocracy, climate change and massive inequality. We finally got it right America!