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It really is unfathomable to me how anyone could vote Republican in this election cycle.
John McCain has tried to claim the mantel of change, but the economic crisis reminds us thata McCain has given his full throated support for the deregulatory policy that festered greed and has led us to the brink. Most Americans are again being greeted with ridiculous stuff like lipstick on a pig, rather than real issues like $4 gas, the lack of health care, the fact that were still waging an unjust war in Iraq, all the while the richest among us continue to get richer and are expected to do less for the country through a tax reduction they don't need and didn't ask for. On all of the issues John McCain is on the wrong side of the American people so the smoke a mirrors swift boat attack politics gets thrown out and unfortunately some people bite.

John McCain will not launch a bold new energy policy, he will drill.
John McCain will not get us out of Iraq, he will stay.
John McCain will not guarantee affordable health insurance for every American, he will continue to let millions of our fellow citizens go uninsured.
John McCain will continue the Bush tax cuts to the richest 5% rather than asking for shared sacrifice in a time of war.
John McCain will put a Supreme Court justice on the bench who will be the key vote overturning Roe vs. Wade.
John McCain will not reform Washington. He has dozens of lobbyists on his staff and unlike the RNC and the McCain campaign, Obama told the DNC that no more special interest money will be accepted.
John McCain will not support an economy that works for all. Instead he'll give tax cuts to the rich while the rest of the country faces the greatest economic turmoil in a generation. If you want an economy that looked like the 1990s vote for the Democrats.

While both parties have their faults, the Republican Party, McCain included, have been on the side of the wealthy and on the wrong side of the majority of Americans on every major issue. This is an unfortunate position from my standpoint. The Republican Party is willing to bail out Wall Street, but not willing to ensure that every person has health insurance in this country. Republicans are willing to give tax cuts to rich people, while 13 million children go hungry in our country and 5 miilion children die due to hunger related diseases around the world. The Republican Party is willing to go war pre-emptively and refuses to an end a war that most Americans wanted to end when they realized the pretenses for the war were a sham. The Republican Party is willing to deregulate Wall Street, but not willing to regulate industry to stop pollution and climate change. The fact is that John McCain and his party on the wrong side of the American people on nearly every issue.

I know there are a lot of good people who are Republican, but on issue after issue their horse is running the wrong direction, away from the American people. 8 years of a Republican presidential control has led us to the brink of economic and environmental calamity. When I graduated from college during the Clinton years, life looked pretty good, now the future seems much more uncertain as a direct result of a failure in policy and leadership.

How anyone could vote to keep movin in the absolute wrong direction is beyond me.


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