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We are 100 days to the midterms.  

Many of us have been waiting for the next election since election night 2016.  With Republicans in control of all three branches of government, our politics and basic democratic norms has been affected in much worse ways than what many of conceived after the election loss.  Putting a stop to Trump and what is now his party means we have to win back the House at least and if we work hard, the Senate as well. 

Before we make this sprint to the finish-line, let's make some covenants with each other to do the following to build our collective power and mutual accountability to each other:

  • Vote - No Matter What.  No excuses.  Make election day plans now. Democrats have to vote like this is a Presidential election.  If we do, the Blue Wave is assured based on participation alone.  
  • Take Friends and Families to Vote.  Now that your plan is set, check in with friends and family and make sure they are committed to vote as well.  
  • Call/Canvass/Postcard.  Lots of campaigns and groups like indivisible are hosting canvassing, phone calling, and post card writing events.  Go help out.  Commit to 3 events, one a month, between now and election day.  
  • Offer a Platform.  Democratic candidates need to be more than anti-Trump but offer a concise platform about what we will do once elected.  The Better Deal hasn't hit yet with folks and needs more simplified messaging.   
  • Embrace Anti-Trump.  There is no reason to shy away from running against Trump for almost all Democratic candidates.  Most of the population is absolutely fed up with Trump his putridly stupid and evil policies and the constant buzz of lawyers and corruption around him.  Hang the albatross of supporting Trump on any feckless Republican who refused to stand up to Trump.  Trumpism will have the political stench of McCarthyism for decades to come starting in the 2018 midterms.
  • No Ideological Purity Tests.  Let's stop the ideological purity tests on all sides.  Moderates like Connor Lamb will do well in suburban to rural Pennsylvania and Democratic Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will do well in the NYC boroughs.  Let's please stop rehashing the Hillary-Bernie feud and get onto the business of building a majority of left and center/left House and Senate.  The millionaire class within the Democratic Party needs to in particular chill out.  The party is moving more left, but can still do so while incorporating more moderate voices.  
  • Focus On Now - Cross The Future Bridges When We Get There.  There's going to be a lot to figure out should the Democrats take over Congress whether that's impeaching the President and on what issues will the party tack left and on what issues the politics will demand a more moderate approach.  We'll all cross that bridge when we get there.  Let's just focus on winning for now. 
  • Pay No Attention to All the Positive Media About the Blue Wave. As a final corollary to crossing the bridge, there's going to be a lot of positive articles about the Blue Wave.  There's going to be a lot of pre-game cheering on social media.  The enthusiasm is great, but let's put our heads down and keep working.  

Steel yourself for the journey of the next 100 days.  Get active.  Get involved. Vote!


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