
  • 507
Added a post  to  , notmypresident

Much gratitude to all of you fighting for against in 2016. / in 2017. #badhombres  #barackobama #hrc

Added a post  to  , notmypresident

Trump's = do nothing for those less fortunate. He encourages and in his name. #racism #islamophobia #antisemitism

Added a post  to  , notmypresident

We call upon the Electors to fulfill their Constitutional Duty to protect against interference from foreign powers. Tag a friend who agrees. #electoralcollege

Added a post  to  , notmypresident

There are 3 good reasons for electors to vote against Trump. Last in this series on 's views on the . #68

Added a post  to  , notmypresident

argued that the would protect against foreign interference. The US government confirmed Russian responsibility in DNC and campaign email leaks. The EC should take its responsibility seriously and vote against Trump.

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