#directaction works - Ban #comversiontherapy in #michigan. Call and write your Michigan #representatives to back MIhouse #bill 5550. Join the #protest this Thursday. More info on #detroit Civic Action Center. #lgbtqia #lgbtq #loveislove
#nohate in our state: #protest #bannon. Rob Fidler of @detroitsolidaritymovement shared a protest recap on Civic Action Center. Anywhere #stevebannon speaks there should be a protest like # our friends from #michigan #organized this week. Link to article in bio.
We are very excited to announce the Detroit Civic Action Center built in partnership with @detroitsolidaritymovement. Check out the #activism calendar, the last #civicactions, and the the blog posts from #mdpan team. Register today and build the movement. #resistance #resist #detroit #michigan #organize #takingbackorange