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Brief takeaway: The Dems 2020 Convention

It's late, I'll be brief, kinda:

I'm listening to the Dodgers vs the Rockies on my iPos Touch, as I write  :- ) 

First, basically, I was surprised how well it went, flaws, but mostly in the wabi sabi spirit? For the most part, I loved it. 

My take away was that Trump was accurately on display as a man who has petered out .... the air went out of the Baby Trump balloon?

But! let me stop there. The time for complacency is NEVER.

It is not just the Democrats that Trump hates with all his bottomless bile, it is Democracy itself!\.

There was a lot to love though:

     * The roll call was amazing - so wonderful to jump from state to state that way

     * It was great to see and hear the Obamas, right? So stern, so alert to the danger that is Trump 

          Michelle: Empathy: that's something I've been thinking a lot about lately.

                         Sadly, this is the America that is on display for the next generation. A nation that's underperforming not simply on matters of policy but on matters of character. And                                that's not just disappointing; it's downright infuriating, because I know the goodness and the grace that is out there in households and neighborhoods all across                                       this nation.

         Barack: So tonight, I want to talk as plainly as I can about the stakes in this election. Because what we do these next 76 days will echo through generations to come.

We were all, of course, wondering when Joe came up to bat. Then he, for the most part, hit it out of the park. It was a triple anyway. I sat back as it went on, relaxed, and enjoyed it.

Jill made me think "what the hell are we doing, wasting our time, hanging around with Melania?"

I thought they handled the people from the streets: the woman who's Dad's only pre-existing condition was that he trusted Trump: the lovable stuttering kid: ...

The topic of course sprawls, calls for a pre-or-post-COVID bar, and a 4 hour conversation .... 

My take-away: I'm optimistic. I actually like Joe and Mamala.

I'd love to pursue any of this farther, if any of you are game.


An interesting opening that the Convention provided, was the opportunity for the Trump-appalled to pile on. Here's on that I especially liked:


who knew that there even were 70 of those characters still alive. I get their point though - Trump is the antithesis of everything they dedicated their woking lives to ...

OK, for tonight, I'm out!


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