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As An Inconvenient Truth turns 10

Originally Posted on May 18, 2016

Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, @ClimateReality reminded me this week that it has been 10 years since An Inconvenient Truth premiered.

Planning to carve out time this weekend to rescreen this classic, savoring that.

Climate Reality is also promoting that we all weigh in with our own story, using . And they are publishing a steady stream, as those stories come streaming in, at http://www.takepart.com/ait10.

After I watch, I will make an AIT10 post, but right now my most vivid take away from the film has Al, on the deck of an ice core drilling cutter. One of the scientists onboard is kneeling by a core, which has a vivid divide between murky & clear ice. He taps his ice hammer on the dividing-line and says “this is precisely the year when the Clean Air Act took effect.”

That moment floored me, policy matters!


Moneyed interests have owned much of the politics in those 10 years, with an enormous stake in the status quo – precious time has been wasted, looking backward.

In truth, it has been 25 years since Ronald Reagan’s first act as President was to have the solar panels taken down from the White House.

There was actually a National Solar Heating and Cooling Information Center right in Philadelphia, before President Reagan’s term. One of our authors here at the Earth Initiative worked there. See http://ow.ly/C1z4300ldjs for a sampler of their resources.

This time, we cannot let there be another false start.

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