March Against Trump’s Police State - Defend the Right to Protest!

  • 4354

Co-sponsors: Sanctuary DMV, Stop Police Terror Project DC, ANSWER Coalition, Black Alliance for Peace, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, Party for Socialism & Liberation, CODEPINK, Will Merrifield Campaign, LinkUp, The Grayzone, Popular Resistance, ONE DC, People for Fairness Coalition, GW Students Against Imperialism, Maryland Green Party

The Trump administration is declaring war on the largest social justice movement of our lifetimes. In Portland over the past few days, unmarked vans with unidentified federal agents have kidnapped protesters for interrogation. These are outrageous illegal and unconstitutional assaults on protesters and the protest movement--and these are the same tactics that ICE uses on immigrants day in and day out and that the U.S. military uses regularly against civilians in other countries.

The administration has been trying with escalating tactics to shut down this movement, which they cannot do. Having tried through other means (like the tear gas, assaults, and arrests we’ve seen here in DC and nationwide) and failed, they are now deploying federal agencies like U.S. Customs & Border Protection to attack civilian protesters.

Mayors and officials should be ordering police not to coordinate with federal occupation, and move to arrest and jail federal officers who have taken illegal, unconstitutional assaults on civilians. Instead, they're standing by with “tearful” statements and “outraged” press conferences.

Join us to march against Trump’s police state! Defend the right to protest! Stop the war on Black America!

Event Name:
March Against Trump’s Police State - Defend the Right to Protest!
Date start:
25 Jul 2020
13:00 - 13:00
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, United States

We The People Logo
