Picket Cuomo: Heat Wave Rapid Response

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This week will likely have the hottest days of the summer. The climate crisis is here.

People who work outside are being forced to work in these dangerous conditions. The elderly, children, and people with respiratory illness are especially vulnerable to extreme heat.

Join us in front of Cuomo's office in Manhattan (633 3rd Ave between 40th St and 41st St) on Tuesday at 6pm to demand a Green New Deal for New York.

Please RSVP HERE: https://actionnetwork.org/events/cuomos-climate-crisis-die-in-rally?clear_id=true

Extreme weather events are not natural. Heat waves, hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires are being caused by fossil fuel executives and Wall Street investors profiting off of pollution. Elected officials have failed to act for decades. It’s time to tell Governor Cuomo- “No More!”

Please bring PPE, water, and wear white. Bring signs that say “Cuomo, Green New Deal Now!” There is no risk of arrest for this action. We will start with a rally and then lie down on the sidewalk for a (socially distanced) die-in, which will dramatize that our communities are dying.

In order to make the biggest impact, we need to show up in large numbers. To do that, we need your help to phonebank members of our coalition to turn them out.

RSVP for the phonebank Monday 6/20 at 7 PM to let our members know about the action. https://bit.ly/30tw4lb
If you can’t attend the action in person, this is an important way you can support. One phone banker can mean multiple people attending the action who wouldn’t otherwise know about it

Event Name:
Picket Cuomo: Heat Wave Rapid Response
Climate and Environment
Date start:
21 Jul 2020
17:00 - 17:00
633 3rd Avenue, New York, NY, United States

We The People Logo
