WORLD CONFERENCE 2020 - Abolish Nuclear Weapons | Resist and Reverse Climate Change | For Social and Economic Justice

  • 4615 

A Call to Action

The World Conference will provide a unique opportunity for the world’s nuclear disarmament campaigns, allied movements and organizations, and diplomats committed to banning and eliminating nuclear weapons to amplify our abolition demands to the Review Conference.



Concern for people’s health and protecting people from the risk of the accelerated spread of the corona virus has led our World Conference planning committee to cancel the in-person April 24-26 World Conference, rally and march. 

BUT, we are planning to build from all that we have already accomplished, including planning for an international online conference with simultaneous interpretation. Look forward to future announcements. 

The international coalition we have built is remarkable and will persist in these changed circumstances. With 1,500 people already registered to join our conference and related events, we have a strong foundation on which we can build for the future.

In this period, we recognize that there are already many forms of action dedicated to achieving our conference goals – abolition of nuclear weapons, reversing climate destruction, and social and economic justice – planned in many places around the world.  We appreciate the support that many of you have given to our organizing. We look forward to our continuing collaborations and wish you every success in your actions in your communities and nations.  We also recognize that new forms of organizing and social mobilization will be necessary. We will do our best to develop these new strategies and to learn from others’ initiatives.

We also want to report that the in-person New York organizing meeting scheduled for Thursday evening, March 12 is being moved online, with the announcement to come from Peace Action New York State.

Finally, with conferences at the U.N. either cancelled or reduced to symbolic events without the participation of civil society through mid-April, and with Secretary General Guterres’ announcement that the U.N. is now closed to everyone but those who work there, it seems unlikely that a meaningful NPT Review Conference will be held. Should a symbolic event be held, we will develop means to manifest the world’s demands for nuclear weapons abolition.

  Please stay healthy and refer often to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations 

For the Planning Committee,

Joseph Gerson

| and Reverse | For and

Event Name:
WORLD CONFERENCE 2020 - Abolish Nuclear Weapons | Resist and Reverse Climate Change | For Social and Economic Justice
Date start:
24 Apr 2020 07:00
Date end:
26 Apr 2020 19:00

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