Fed Up with Climate Injustice!

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Fed Up With Climate Injustice!

On Tax Day, Wednesday July 15, Extinction Rebellion Boston will lead an action demanding that our government invest our taxes in our future!

The federal government must stop giving tax breaks and subsidies to the oil, natural gas, and coal corporations that are fueling global destruction. We demand that these funds are redirected to individuals and communities on the frontline of the climate and ecological emergency and toward a rapid transition to clean, renewable sources of energy and ecological sustainability.

Our government must tell the truth about the severity of the climate crisis and establish reparations and remediation led by and for Black people, Indigenous people, People of Color and poor communities who have suffered years of environmental racism and injustice. Our current financial and political systems treat the earth as a commodity and people as disposable.

The wealthy must pay higher taxes and our government budgets must be reallocated to build cultures of care and repair to ensure an equitable and livable planet for all life and for generations to come.

Sunrise Boston has joined us in planning this action. Together we will highlight and celebrate youth leading the climate and social justice movements.

We are calling on XR Rebels to participate if you feel comfortable and safe enough to do so. We will practice social distancing, wear masks and use hand sanitizer. We will not engage in civil disobedience, but we are planning a lively and vibrant day, with some special surprises.

Together we will demand power be restored to the people to set a just course of action and rebuild our relationships to one another and the earth.

Join us on Wednesday, July 15!

Register here:

Event Name:
Fed Up with Climate Injustice!
Climate and Environment
Date start:
15 Jul 2020
17:00 - 19:00
600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA, United States

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