Change is NOW > Decide Together

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We are at a turning point in human history.

It’s becoming clearer every day that the Government isn’t capable of getting us out of the coronavirus mess, or preventing climate breakdown. They are more concerned with getting us back to “normal” as rapidly as possible.

But it’s normal that is killing us.

So as the UK lockdown begins to ease, we stand at the crossroads:

⚡Prioritise health OR prioritise profit. We have a choice.

⚡Bail out people and planet OR bail out the industries that are killing us. We have a choice.

⚡Mass extinction OR mass participation. We have a choice.

⚡Trust the people OR trust a negligent government. We have a choice.

It’s time for a Citizens Assembly to decide together on how we should live and how we should prepare for further crises so this never happens again.

As part of the coronavirus recovery, we demand a binding Citizens Assembly on how to rebuild our economy, our democracy and our future.


⏰ WHEN? 12 noon on Saturday 30th May for 1 hour.

📍WHERE? Outside local authorities, MPs offices, national assemblies and in Parliament Square. Contact your local group to find out your local place of protest

🚫 WHAT? Come alone, wear a mask and gloves, stand strictly 3 metres apart and send a message to our leaders - local, regional and national - that this time, we must rebuild for the vulnerable and the strong, the young and the old, for all life, together. On your own personal cardboard sign: write a choice for our leaders (“people OR profit”, “past OR future”, or choose a local issue like “new bypass OR new bike lanes” etc). At a local level our message is one of solidarity and support for our councillors and MPs: we will stand with you in this historic moment. Get in touch with your local group to plan a unified local message.

🖐 WHO? Everyone and every part of everyone, standing separated, but united in grief and hope.

📱 SOCIAL MEDIA: Please post photos of your local action and your ‘choice’ signs at exactly 2pm using the hashtags and - XR UK Social Media will share and retweet the best.

To attend this action you must agree to strictly follow all government advice on social distancing and abide by additional guidelines included in the doc.
This protest will strictly NOT be a gathering. By staying minimum 3 metres apart you will be conducting a solo protest nearby others doing the same.
Guidance will be differ for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

🎨 ARTS: Beautiful Design Pack >> with stencils, graphics and colours. By using a shared creative scheme we can stand united in solidarity across the UK!

🌪️UPDATES: Join the No Going Back Telegram chat for updates  

Event Name:
Change is NOW > Decide Together
Climate and Environment
Date start:
30 May 2020
12:00 - 16:00

We The People Logo
