Will He Go? Trump and the Looming 2020 Election Meltdown

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In his new book "Will He Go: Trump and the Looming Election Meltdown in 2020," legal scholar Lawrence Douglas asks whether our system of constitutional and federal law is prepared to deal with a president who blames an electoral defeat on fraud and so refuses to concede. His alarming answer: our system is woefully ill-equipped to deal with such a crisis. Engagingly written for both the general reader as well as the expert, Douglas convincingly shows how an electoral dispute can turn into a constitutional crisis from which there is no clear exit.

Professor Douglas will join on July 29th at 7pm for a book talk and forum on how, where and when the 2020 election process could--and likely will--melt down. We hope this forum will be the start of a conversation about how our movements can rise up, defend our communities, and create transformative political change in this moment.

The book is available from the publisher here (all profits are being donated to the Hunger Project): https://www.twelvebooks.com/titles/lawrence-douglas/will-he-go/9781538751879/
Or if you don't have time to read the whole book, check out this interview with Professor Douglas in Vox https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/6/3/21257133/trump-2020-election-meltdown-lawrence-douglas.


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