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We Need Vision

Originally posted on Crossleft.org Sun, 07/17/2005 - 18:57

In 2005, the American left finds itself in disarray. The loss in the 2004 elections resulting in continued conservative dominance of the federal government seared the political souls of progressives Americans. The progressive movement once again finds itself adrift in a malaise of irrelevance within the halls of power and perhaps more importantly, amongst the average American citizen.

This irrelevance is not a result of any tactical error in an electoral or activist campaign. Its certainly not a result of our ability to express our views articulately or fight passionately for what we believe. Indeed, the progressive movement has fought hard against conducting an unjust war, reducing taxes for the rich while we cut needed programs for the poor, and the appointing of those activist conservative judges. The irrelevance is a direct result of an inability to articulate an overarching progressive vision and its accompanying ideology and specific policy recommendations. With continued insistence on simply providing a contrarian view to conservatives, progressives can only hope to continue with a clouded vision, and thereby a minority position in American politics.

Historically, the political entity that can best articulate a vision for the future and stand firm by the policies contained therein, attract the majority support of the people. The founding fathers were able to explain how a break with England would create new opportunities and an example democracy that the world would look to as a model. The abolitionists stated not just their opposition to slavery but institutions and programs of upliftment for newly freed African Americans. The progressive at the turn of the last century promoted labor and health standards that addressed a rapidly industrializing nation. The New Deal provided a social compact between the government and people for a generation. And within the last 30 years, the conservatives' vision of smaller government, social conservatism, and projection of American military might rules the day.

In our time, we look to our faith as Christians to go back to the drawing board, in a sense, challenging our long-held assumptions in order to give rise to creative tensions and dialogue to arrive at shared vision for what the world will be. Americans will not respond solely to attacks on the actions of Karl Rove or the policies of a Republican dominated Washington. Americans need to see not only what we're against, but what we're before. And progressives need to articulate that vision just as passionately as they decry the war or the further destruction of the environment. That's what CrossLeft is all about. We want to establish the public spaces and promote the dialogues that will allow our community to bring clarity to a shared view of a better tomorrow. Subsequently, CrossLeft will build the movement and its accompanying structures to push for the change that will realize, nourish, and continue to clarify our vision for our country and the world. Come, help shape this positive vision for a better tomorrow.


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