CoVid-19 General Strike Against Genocidal Negligence

  • 3774

Updates : Well, things are moving amazingly. Be ready for MayDay!!!



WHY: Wealthy capitalists around the world are failing to protect workers from . In the USA, too little is being done too late to protect us from the disease. Countless working poor people are having to go to work with symptoms because we can’t afford to take time off.

Many wealthy elites are flying off to bunkers and enjoying luxury personal doctors during this crisis. They are leaving us to die in private jets to hide in bunkers while we CONTINUE TO WORK FOR THEIR PROFITS.

When the stock market began to drop, the USA Fed was able to IMMEDIATELY generate 1.5 trillion dollars to protect the interests of capital. The USA has an incredible capacity to help workers— they simply choose not to. Because they simply do not care about our lives.

This disease is much more likely to kill the elderly, the poor/uninsured, the immunocrompromised. Systemic neglect has always constituted GENOCIDE. In the context of a pandemic, the cruelty of denying the human right of healthcare is even more apparent.

Even the young and healthy who recover from Coronavirus are likely to be left with PERMANENT reduction to lung capacity. Neglect is dangerous for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.
It is time to DEMAND the government and wealthy elites to pay attention and provide the healthcare, containment, and wages which they withhold from us! They are wealthy because of our labor! It’s time for a General Strike!

UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE — we recommend basing our demands on the policy of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. Free and full physical and mental healthcare for every human being in the USA without exception. If this already existed in the USA, this pandemic would not be nearly as devastating to the working class.

LIVING WAGE — again, if workers were paid a living wage, we would have decent savings and we wouldn’t be saddled with debt. It would be much easier for us to call in sick when we need to, such as during a pandemic!

URGENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO COVID19 — no more murderous neglect of the working class! We suggest basing our demands on the Vietnam model: mandatory quarantines for anyone who may have been exposed with free food and shelter provided, free testing, and free healthcare until fully recovered.

This is the BARE MINIMUM! Other activists are demanding more, and we are open to expanding on our demands.

Event Name:
CoVid-19 General Strike Against Genocidal Negligence
Economic Justice
Date start:
1 May 2020 09:00
Date end:
23 May 2020 16:00

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