Learn to Powermap with YDSA

  • 1698

The YDSA National Coordinating Committee is hosting an organizing training on Power Mapping the next step in launching a pressure campaign, on Thursday, July 23 at 7:00PM ET/6:00CT/5:00MT/4:00PT. Register now!

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis and the Black Lives Matter uprising, the NCC is calling on all YDSA chapters to run strategic local campaigns to win real material changes locally that will build our power and capacity for the long term. Our last workshop covered the first step of a successful campaign - cutting an issue. The next step in a successful campaign is power mapping - choosing your target, mapping their connections, and strategically planning your campaign to pressure them. On this call, organizers will:

1. Learn how to identify their target, their opponents, and their allies.

2. Map the people/institutions that influence their target

3. Use this information to strategically pressure their target

Event Name:
Learn to Powermap with YDSA
Economic Justice
Date start:
23 Jul 2020
19:00 - 20:31

We The People Logo
