Baltimore's Truth Commission:Putting Our Housing System on Trial

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There are over 150 individuals still residing in Baltimore city run shelters in congregate and inhumane settings. In addition, there have been 398 coronavirus cases and seven deaths among inmates at Maryland  state and county corrections facilities, according to a state coronavirus dashboard. These numbers disproportionately affect black and brown people.  Appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of people experiencing homelessness and incarceration are continually being ignored by the city and Mayor Jack Young.  The lasting impact of putting these people at such high risk of contracting this disease is incalculable, and it is imperative that we continue to push Mayor Young to do the right thing.

To do just that, we need to uplift the voices of the folks at the hand of this negligence and shine light on the injustice we are facing everyday action isn’t taken. We’re coming together to hear from folks directly impacted by Mayor Young and Governor Hogan's inaction, and uplift demands for a humane response to the housing crisis.

We hope you can join us on Thursday, July 2nd at 3pm for Baltimore City’s first Truth Commission as we put our housing system on trial. We will have the Truth Commission in person at War Memorial Plaza, but you can also join us by facebook live from the HON facebook page!

Event Name:
Baltimore's Truth Commission:Putting Our Housing System on Trial
Economic Justice
Date start:
2 Jul 2020 15:00
Date end:
29 Jul 2020 16:00

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