March Against Racism: UN anti-racism day protest

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POSTPONED: This event has been postponed due to covid-19. The date in this event is not when it is taking place. We will announce a new date when possible to do so.

National demonstration to mark UN anti-racism day // Assemble 12pm Portland Place W1A // Organised by Stand Up to Racism

With Trump in the White House, Johnson in Downing Street and the racist and fascist right winning mass support internationally we need to build the resistance. The March Against Racism to mark UN Anti Racism Day is part of a co-ordinated wave of international demonstrations. From Washington to Warsaw we will be marching for a

• Transport from across the country:

• Materials to mobilise for the demonstration:

The March Against Racism is supported by:
Trades Union Congress (TUC) • Unite the union • UNISON • The Muslim Council of Britain • Muslim Association of Britain • GMB Union • National Education Union • The Communications Union • UCU - University and College Union • PCS Union • National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) • Fire Brigades Union • TSSA - Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association • ASLEF - The UK Train Drivers' Union • Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union - BFAWU • Usdaw Union • The People's Assembly Against Austerity • Stop the War Coalition

Event Name:
March Against Racism: UN anti-racism day protest
Racial Justice
Date start:
20 Mar 2021
12:00 - 16:00

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