Red Square #2: Organizing Against Racism & Police Oppression

  • 3224

The Red Square Series is a space where CDSA members can learn about the political debates socialists and other radicals and progressives are having, and develop a productive, comradely format for discussion and debate that can both inform members and improve our collective analysis.

Our second topic will be on the following:

The mass uprising against racism and the police industrial complex has been transformative. Things which seemed impossible mere weeks ago are being discussed or have happened across the country--including defunding the police, dismantling police departments, removing statues and symbols of racism, and Labor shutting down ports and workplaces in celebration of Juneteenth. Yet these transformations aren't taking hold everywhere. There are cities like Chicago which are resisting calls for basic police reforms, such as community accountability. And there have been instances of far-right attacks on anti-racist activism. How have the political terrain and conditions for organizing against racism, police, and in general changed? Where do we go from here? And how can DSA act and contribute in this moment?

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